When it comes to passive aggressive zodiac signs, there are certain signs that tend to exhibit more of these behaviors than others. If you’re trying to identify a passive aggressive individual, it’s important to know the top 3 passive aggressive zodiac signs and how to spot them. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top 3 passive aggressive zodiac signs and how to spot them so that you can know how to respond accordingly.

What is Passive Aggressive Behaviour
Passive aggressive behaviour is when a person expresses negative feelings or hostility indirectly, rather than communicating openly and honestly. It’s a way of communicating in which the person avoids taking direct responsibility for their words and actions. Examples of passive aggressive behaviour can include:
- Sulking or giving the silent treatment
- Making subtle hints that are meant to be interpreted negatively
- Saying “yes” but meaning “no”
- Making excuses or trying to shift blame onto others
- Engaging in manipulative tactics to avoid taking responsibility
- Saying something positive while implying something negative
- Blaming others for one’s own feelings and behaviours
- Being overly critical of others
- Sarcasm and eye-rolling
Passive aggressive behaviour can cause misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and frustration. It can also lead to conflict, decreased productivity, and damaged relationships. While it’s natural for people to engage in passive aggressive behaviour from time to time, it’s important to be aware of it and try to communicate more openly and honestly.
The Top 3 Passive Aggressive Zodiac Signs
1. Scorpio
Scorpios are known for their intense personalities and can become quite passive aggressive when they feel ignored or slighted. They may not outwardly express their feelings, but instead rely on subtle ways of expressing their displeasure, such as giving the silent treatment or making cutting remarks.
2. Virgo
Virgos can be incredibly sensitive, so when their feelings are hurt they can resort to passive aggressive behaviour. They will often try to distance themselves from the person who has hurt them and resort to using sarcasm and snide comments to express their displeasure.
3. Aquarius
Aquarians can be prone to passive aggression when they feel threatened or vulnerable. They may not express their anger in an obvious way, but will use indirect methods such as manipulation or blaming others for their problems. They are also known for having a quick temper which can manifest itself in the form of passive aggressive outbursts. Aquarius has a tendency to be judgmental and critical of others. This sign may criticize someone without directly addressing them and may also use sarcasm to get their point across.
Other Passive Aggressive Zodiac Signs
While the top three zodiac signs most likely to display passive aggressive behavior are Virgo, Scorpio and Aquariaus, there are other signs that may also have some elements of passive aggression.
Taurus is known for its stubbornness and can be difficult to reason with. This sign may express their frustration in passive aggressive ways such as subtle insults or withholding affection.
Libra is another sign that often uses passive aggressive tactics in order to avoid conflict. They may use “back-handed compliments” or point out someone’s flaws in a seemingly harmless way.
Capricorn may appear to be calm and collected on the surface but can actually be quite manipulative. They may use guilt trips or indirect accusations as a form of passive aggression.
Gemini is an air sign that often uses sarcasm as a form of passive aggression. They may make cutting remarks that appear to be jokes but can still leave a sting.
Pisces are known for being sensitive and empathetic, but they may also be passive-aggressive when they feel ignored or unappreciated. They may avoid confrontation and express their frustration through subtle digs or sarcasm.
Cancers are often emotionally sensitive and can take things personally. When they feel hurt or offended, they may resort to passive-aggressive behavior, such as giving the silent treatment or withholding affection.
Sagittarius is another sign that has tendencies towards passive aggression. They are known to be blunt and often come across as insensitive. They may make decisions without consulting others or take control of a situation without warning.
Which Are Not Passive Aggressive Zodiac Signs?
There are a couple of signs that don’t fall within the parameters of passive aggressive behavior, these include Leo and Aries.
Leo is not typically considered one of the zodiac signs that exhibit passive-aggressive behavior. Leos are known for their confidence, leadership abilities, and outgoing personalities. They tend to be direct and assertive in their communication style, preferring to address issues head-on rather than resorting to passive-aggressive behavior.
Aries is not typically considered one of the zodiac signs that exhibit passive-aggressive behavior either. Aries are known for their assertiveness, independence, and direct communication style. They tend to speak their minds and confront issues head-on rather than resort to passive-aggressive tactics.
Passive Aggressive Zodiac Signs: The Take Home
It’s important to remember that these characterizations are not universal and that each individual’s behavior is shaped by a multitude of factors, including upbringing, life experiences, and personality traits.