Ah, Pilates! The fitness class that looks at yoga and says, "Cute poses, but have you ever tried to impersonate a Swiss army knife while balancing on ...
Is 20 Minutes of Pilates a Day Enough?
5 Ways How Dating a Narcissist Can Change You
Who doesn't want to find true love and companionship? However, our journey to find "the one" often leads us through different paths and encounters ...
Aspartame and Headaches: Unraveling the Connection
If you have been blaming your hormones or stress for your frequent headaches, prepare to reevaluate your beliefs as mounting evidence establishes a ...
5 Health Benefits of MCT Oil in Coffee
MCT oil, or Medium-Chain Triglyceride oil, is a type of fat that's metabolized differently than the more common types of fats found in most foods. ...
8 Health Benefits of Walking in the Morning
Waking and walking is something to put on your radar if health and wellness are at the core of who you are. If you've been seeking a gentle, effective ...
Does Iced Tea Have Caffeine?
As the temperatures rise and summer approaches, a cool, refreshing glass of iced tea becomes an appealing option to quench our thirst. It offers a ...